Editor's Note

Maurine Dyer, DRIE Toronto Digest Editor

There are lots of things happening around the world today.  It seems like “Santa's Ask for Help” in our last symposium got us started!  We need to be prepared for what's coming at us and to be able to quickly react to major incidents and disruptive events as they occur.

My old boss Dave Barlow, a veteran and seasoned risk management professional used to say:  “it pays to be prepared”.  So last year, all eyes were on cyber attacks, terrorism, and fire threats. But just recently we have been faced with the threat of the Corona virus

This Newsletter contains advice from Regina Phelps (an international expert in Pandemic Preparedness) and our own Business Continuity and Crisis Management  subject matter expert Graeme Janaway on planning and responding to a potential worldwide spread of the Corona virus. 

I encourage you to read these articles.
Maurine Dyer

DRIE Toronto Digest - copy of Vol 28 Issue 1 January 2020

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